Frequently Asked Questions and Answers From New Pig’s Tech Department

Ever wonder what questions customers like you ask our technical department? Here’s an inside peek into some of the most frequently asked questions and

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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers From New Pig's Tech DepartmentEver wonder what questions customers like you ask our technical department? Here’s an inside peek into some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers regarding Containment Pallets and Spill Decks to help you use our products correctly and more efficiently.

Containment Pallets and Spill Decks provide facilities with the ability to store drums, totes, machinery, equipment and tools with the reassurance that leaks and spills will be captured – making clean up easier, helping to keep floors clean and dry, and potentially averting environmental disasters. Pallets and decks can provide solutions for a multitude of areas including storage, fluid dispensing and waste collection.

I have both polyethylene and steel drums. What kind of pallet should I use?

Although chemical resistance is a primary consideration, in general, if the liquid is stored in polyethylene drums, choose polyethylene pallets. The same is true with steel. However, polyethylene has a very broad chemical resistance and materials in steel drums are often compatible with polyethylene pallets and decks.

In addition to chemical resistance, consider other safety factors that may be an issue. For example, many flammable liquids are compatible with polyethylene, but if static is a concern, or materials are being transferred while the drums are on the pallets, steel pallets may be a better option because they can be bonded and grounded.

Can I ground polyethylene pallets? Can I use a polyethylene pallet with flammables?

Polyethylene has an inherent static charge, and cannot be grounded. In areas with low humidity, or where vapours can build up, this can be a concern – especially when storing flammable materials.

What is UDL?

The Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) is the amount of weight that the containment unit is capable of holding when the load is spread over its entire surface.

Using pallets or decks to store tanks on legs can potentially cause pallet grates to warp or fail.

Can I store incompatible materials on the same pallet?

Because there is no way to segregate spilled materials in the sump, incompatible materials should not be stored on the same pallet.

Can I move pallets or decks when they are fully loaded? Can I move pallets and decks with a pallet truck?

Most decks do not have forklift pockets. Because they are smaller and more lightweight, they are designed to be taken to the area where they will be used, placed, and then loaded. It is also not recommended that decks be used on top of wooden pallets. To maintain their structural integrity, they need to be placed on a flat, solid surface before loading.

Steel and polyethylene pallets typically have forklift pockets, however, many are not designed to be moved while loaded. Structural integrity and the terrain over which they will travel are two factors to consider before moving loaded pallets.

New Pig has several polyethylene pallets that are exceptions to this rule. They were designed to withstand the stress of being moved while loaded – without bowing or cracking. It is recommended that a ratchet strap or other means of securing the drums be used during transport so that they do not get shifted or bumped off the pallet while the load is being transported.

Steel pallets generally have more structural integrity than polyethylene and fare better when transporting a load. And, again, drums should always be secured during movement.

In most cases, pallets cannot be moved with a pallet truck because the forks of the truck do not match the pockets on the pallet. Fork pocket dimensions can be provided to help make this determination.

Can I fix a hole/crack in my polyethylene pallet or deck?

Fixing holes or cracks in polyethylene pallets and decks is not recommended because the structural integrity of the unit has already been compromised and may not properly or adequately support the weight of containers on it over an extended period of time.

Can the spill decks be used as flooring?

In many cases, yes. Because the decks are modular and can be physically linked to increase sump capacity and avert shifting, a number of customers are using these in areas where they need to collect fluids but don’t want to, or cannot use drip pans.

Ramps are also available to help get containers, equipment or vehicles onto the decks. Advice can be given to determine if the weight capacity of the ramp will be sufficient for your needs.

Sometimes, it is hard to determine which product is best for an application. However, with the wide variety of pallets and decks available, there is usually one to satisfy almost every need.

Find out more:

New Pig provide a comprehensive range of Containment Pallets & Spill Decks from our online shop. Or why not give us a call on 0800 919 900.